Thursday, 27 May 2010

handover day

I fought through illness to make it in for the all important Mr.Radish handover day. He is now at the mercy (or in the capable hands of) Nuala for the next week.

First job: removing some of the shoots so that Mr.Radish has some space to spread its feet. Looking at the other blogs I see that mine is very untidy. :( clearing up and reducing number is definitely needed. Another thing is that the soil level is a little low. I will bring soil in tomorrow and perhaps you can de-pot and feed some soil in the bottom (this may be dangerous though). I guess that would give it more space to grow down.... silly me!

Here's the ceremonial (and not at all cheesy) hi-five handover:
Good luck Nuala!

1 comment:

  1. cheesy photo

    Tomorrow I shall remove some more stalks, wanted him to settle in first :)
