Thursday, 27 May 2010

Moving on swiftly...

Where to begin? No blogging skills and more importantly no gardening skills!
It's going to be a very long week, but I'm very excited!
Hi, I am Nuala, and today is handover day. This means I get to take Mr Radish home! Let's see how I get on .... (wish me luck)
After a long train ride home we managed to make it back in one piece, let's see how it's doing ...

Since Ian has done so well with Mr Radish, the best place to start is to re-read his posts and check out what he's found!

Cool - Ian's posts have informed me of various growing conditions for radishes in containers: Dappled sun light and not too cold (EASY!)

Since its turned into a quite a nice night, I have decided to leave him on the grass.

Welcome to your new home

What to do next? Time for some of my own research:

I did a general search on growing radishes and found the following websites helpful in deciding my next steps:

Each mention that once the radishes have sprouted you should "thin" them, which means I need to remove the weak shoots giving the stronger shoots a better chance with more space to grow. As it's my first night and Mr Radish has had a dramatic day stuck in an air conditioned office, I will only pick a few and do more tomorrow.

Time for a bit of water and for me to leave you all in peace,

To be continued ...

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