Thursday, 20 May 2010

First Day - The planting!

Hello plant growers, it's Ian here. I've been foolish enough to take on the huge responsibility of setting up and planting our lovely Radish plant and here follows the story of my first day in charge:

To start I searched the web to see what I could find regarding radish plant growing, and surprisingly theres actually quite a lot out there. Many sites seemed to focus on large scale growing (for people looking to harvest and eat it I guess) but after a while I managed to hit upon this piece of gold: How to grow Raddish in containers

It's exactly what I needed and what's more it's aimed at kids, so just right for someone with my level of gardening skill. :)

Here's my process, as instructed by the site:

1. The kit
I unpacked everything on my balcony in the brilliant sunshine!

2. Compost in
First step, fill up compost till just below the top.

3. Water compost
The instructions I found said to water this compost first, before planting the seeds. So... I did!

4. Sew seeds
Then I sprinkled the seeds lightly on top of the wet compost.

5. Cover with dry compost
Finally, the instructions say to cover with dry compost, to trap the moisture below the seeds.

5. Done!
I placed the plant in dappled sunshine, as the website said that direct sunlight may be too much for it at this time of year. Note that it sits next to failed attempts at plant growing from our past flat tenants... let's hope if fairs better!

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